Corporate, ESG & Compliance

Corporate, ESG & Compliance

/Area of practice

Hereinafter, we would like to provide you with an insight into the comprehensive advisory services offered by our legal cooperation in the areas of Corporate, ESG & Compliance. Our commitment is to assist companies in understanding their legal requirements, navigating the market, and simultaneously addressing the increasingly important Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects.

I. Corporate:

Foundations of corporate law:

Our team of qualified lawyers is here to assist you with the fundamentals of corporate law. This includes company formation, contract law, commercial law, and all other aspects essential for the smooth operation of a business.

Company law:

We provide comprehensive advisory services in the field of company law. This encompasses choosing the appropriate legal company form, drafting and reviewing articles of association and by-laws, as well as guidance on mergers, divisions, transformations, and acquisitions.

International corporate Law:

In a globalized world, understanding the specifics of international corporate law is crucial for companies. Our experts assist you in navigating legal challenges in different jurisdictions.

II. ESG advisory:

Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG):

ESG factors have become an integral part of corporate governance. Our consultants support you in understanding and implementing ESG guidelines to meet social and environmental commitments while strengthening the governance structure of your company.

Sustainability reporting:

We assist you in creating transparent and comprehensive sustainability reports that meet the increasing demands of stakeholders and investors.

ESG risk assessment:

Our legal cooperation conducts ESG risk assessments to ensure that your company not only complies with legal requirements but also meets societal and investor expectations regarding sustainability.

III. Compliance:

Compliance management Systems:

Compliance with legal regulations is essential for every company. Our legal cooperation helps you implement compliance management systems to ensure that your company meets all legal requirements.

Risk assessment and management:

We support you in identifying and evaluating risks arising from legal, ethical, or regulatory aspects. Effective risk management is crucial to detect and avoid potential issues early on.

Training and Development:

Our legal cooperation offers training and development programs to keep your team informed about current legal developments and raise awareness of compliance issues.

In a nutshell:

In a constantly evolving world, legal advice is crucial for companies. Our team of dedicated lawyers is here to ensure that your company not only meets legal requirements but also operates ethically and sustainably. We look forward to collaborating with you and supporting you on your path to business success.

Our Podcast-Episodes about Corporate, ESG & Compliance:

◼︎ Whistleblowing in Italian CMSs

◼︎ Wesensmerkmale der italienischen AG

◼︎ Corporate Compliance: Compliance Committee (Pt. 1)

◼︎ Corporate Compliance: Compliance Committee (Pt. 2)

◼︎ Die italienische GmbH: Einführung zum Formwechsel

◼︎ Die italienische GmbH: Homogener Formwechsel

◼︎ Die italienische GmbH: Heterogener Formwechsel

◼︎ Die italienische GmbH: Heterogener Formwechsel

◼︎ Schuldverschreibungen und Gesellschafterdarlehen

◼︎ Gesellschaftsanteile an einer italienischen GmbH

◼︎ Corporate Compliance under Italian law

◼︎ Unternehmenshaftung nach italienischem Recht

◼︎ Designing a CMS (Pt. 1): Risk assessment

◼︎ Designing a CMS (Pt. 2): Elaboration of the CMS

◼︎ Designing a CMS (Pt. 3): Implementation of the CMS

◼︎ Gründung einer italienischen AG

◼︎ Das italienische Transparenzregister der “wirtschaftlich Berechtigten”

◼︎ LkSG und Compliance italienischer Zulieferer (Teil 1)

◼︎ LkSG und Compliance italienischer Zulieferer (Teil 2)

◼︎ La Società Benefit

◼︎ Die italienische Benefit Gesellschaft

◼︎ All Podcast-Episodes!