Marco Rampf

This image shows the picture of RAMPF/EICHNER's founding partner Avv. RA Marco Rampf.

Marco Rampf is an Avvocato enrolled with the BAR of Rome and a Rechtsanwalt enrolled with the BAR of Munich.

He is a lawyer with more than 20 years of professional experience, 10 of which gained in major international law firms. His advisory activity is mainly focussed on the assistance to small and medium enterprises in any issue of compliance and cross-border corporate and commercial law.

After graduating at the University of Rome La Sapienza, he earned a Legum Magister (LL.M.) in German law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and a Master as Business Lawyer at the Meliusform Business School of Rome.

He is author of several books and papers (inter alia for the German publisher C.H.Beck) and already cooperated with Prof. Avv. Luigia Lazzaro (Bank Law at the University of Cassino), Prof. Avv. Daniele Santosuosso (Commercial Law at the University of Rome La Sapienza) and Prof. Avv. Raffaele Torino (Comparative Law at the University of Roma Tre).

◼︎ Italian (native)
◼︎ German (native)
◼︎ English (advanced)
◼︎ French (basic)


Other Professionals

This image shows the picture of RAMPF/EICHNER's founding partner Avv. RAin Dr. Susanna Eichner.

Susanna Eichner

Paolo Battaglia

This image shows the picture of RAMPF/EICHNER's fiduciary cooperator Dott. Marcos Maillmann.

Marcos Maillmann

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